Be Our guest for worship this Sunday
worship 11:00AM-12:15PM
livestream - Podcast
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Pastor’s Welcome
I was having lunch with a visitor one day, and he said, “I’ve been to all-black churches and all-white churches, and yours is the first church where people remembered my name and went out of their way to talk to me.” That’s Cornerstone. We grew with Irmo, launched SOAR sports, and planted Grace Point Church. We’ve been large, and we’ve been small, but we’ve never stopped being a place where all people are loved, are gathered together to worship, and are sent out to transform where we live and work. That’s who we are, by God’s grace. That’s what we’re about.
If you don’t have a church background, don’t worry! Come as you are. If you do have a church background, you can get some idea of what makes us unique by looking around our website. But there’s nothing like visiting on a Sunday and experiencing Cornerstone for yourself.
If heaven is a feast at a table, with a family consisting of every tribe, tongue, and nation—and with Jesus Christ at the head—we want Cornerstone to be a foretaste of that feast. There’s a seat at the Lord’s table waiting for you. See you on Sunday for a foretaste of the feast.
With love,
- Lead Pastor Rev. Joshua M. Knott
Uniting at our tables
We want to see small groups in every neighborhood (loving, uniting, transforming). Consider a Sunday small group, weekday small group, prayer group, or one of the many other kinds of groups (men, women, young adults, children, teens) meeting to eat, to pray, to see the gospel transform lives.
Uniting at the Lord’s table
If God’s Word is God’s food for God’s feast, then Sundays are the “main meal.” Our “flavor” (worship style) varies from week to week, but every week we serve a solid main course of Bible preaching, and we conclude with the Lord’s Supper together.
Extending the Table
Whether it’s a special event, ministry partnership, service project, or a meal after worship, part of how we love our neighbors is by making a seat for everyone, and inviting others to join us for a foretaste of the feast.
Cornerstone Presbyterian Church - 5637 Bush River Rd., Columbia, SC 29212 - 803.772.1000