All of life is worship, and the Lord has set apart one day in seven for us to rest and worship Him together as His body. Together we worship with our time, talent, and treasure. Together we worship by hearing, believing and obeying His Word. Together we worship in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.  

Out of love for one another we sing songs precious to different generations. Our instrumentation fits the diversity of songs we sing. Although there are many wonderful songs, we sing songs that lend themselves to congregational singing. 

Out of love for the Lord we worship Him together with songs that are Biblically faithful and rich. Join us!  


Worship Service

Our worship service has an order which is designed to "re-trace" the gospel itself. We begin with God's gracious call for us to worship Him and we respond in song. As we behold and worship our God we grow mindful of our sin and need for a Savior, which leads us to confess our sin. Having been reminded of the gospel and assured of our forgiveness through faith in Christ, we continue to worship in prayer, praise, tithes and offerings.  Having retraced the gospel and responded to it afresh, we give our attention to God's Word as it is read and preached.  


Opportunities to Serve

We have an adult band and a choir which regularly lead us in worship. Our adult choir is always looking for new voices to contribute to the music ministry of Cornerstone. Rehearsals are 6:15-7:45PM every Wednesday evening in the Choir Room. The Praise Team is open to talented new members and rehearses on Thursday evenings. If you are interested in using your talents in this ministry use the contact us form and let us know.