Current Course

The Person of Jesus with Pastor Tim in the Fellowship Hall

Previous Course: “Every Member Mission”

  1. Motivated by the Gospel from 1 Corinthians 15 - Audio

  2. Motivated by the Gospel from Galatians 2 - Audio

  3. Loving Our Neighbors in Word (God’s Word) from 2 Tim 3 - Audio

  4. Loving Our Neighbors in Word (Our words) from Ephesians 4 - Audio

  5. Loving Our Neighbors in Deed from James 1 - Audio

  6. Uniting in Worship from John 4 - Audio

  7. Uniting in Worship from 1 Corinthians 11 - Audio

  8. Transforming Our Neighborhoods & Nations from Jeremiah 29, Acts 1 - Audio

  9. Transforming Our Neighborhoods & Nations from Romans 13 - Audio

“What I Love About…” Podcast is a supplement to the Every Member Mission Course. You can subscribe or simply use the embedded player below. The current “What I Love About” is about the Westminster Standards which are the best man-made summary of Scripture adopted by the PCA.

Previous Course: “What We Believe”

Image from Do You Believe: 12 Historic Doctrines to Change Your Everyday Life, by Paul David Tripp