God designed his church so that every member is needed by, and needs, one another. We long for everyone at Cornerstone to exercise their gifts, talents and abilities so that the body of Christ can be built up.  


Invest in Children and Students

Interested in helping with the children’s and youth programs? We love having adults, individuals or couples, investing in the lives of our young people by their presence and with their gifts. Please note that we require a cleared background check and membership for no less than 6 months prior to serving in Nursery, Children's or Youth ministries.  Use the contact us form to message Pastor Joshua about Youth Ministry or Children’s Director Debbie about Children’s Ministry opportunities.



If you are interested in assisting the leadership team with the visitation ministry to our elderly, sick, & shut-ins, please contact our pastors by using the contact us form.

Lend your Voice and Your Musical Talent

Our goal is a worship service that blends the best of contemporary and the best of traditional worship music, and this includes a choir and praise team working together to lead the service. Choir is open to all and meets Wednesday Nights, Praise Team is audition only and meets Thursday Nights.

share in service

- Meals Ministry is managed through Take Them a Meal and generally organized through Life Groups, small groups, Bible studies or other groups in which an individual may be involved. When meals are needed for someone recuperating from surgery or is ill, that information is posted in the Cornerstone E-News with the name and number assigned for the Take Them a Meal website.  Use the contact us form to message Janice Rouse or Sue Randall for more information.

- Bereavement Committee comforts the family and offers physical, spiritual, and emotional support, as appropriate. Frequently a meal is provided for the family on the day of the service. Use the contact us form to message Nina Bush for more information.

- Care Teams are organized for giving and receiving acts of mercy within the church family. Men and women are trained by the Carolina Care Team trainers to enable them to help church members who need a little extra help in a way that is purposeful and organized. A single team lovingly cares for one member/family to meet their needs with flexibility and confidentiality. Use the contact us form to message Nina Bush for more information.